Avira Removal Tool has many features that you can remove the obstacles known viruses, malware, ...
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Updated On: 09/16/2010 22:06
Download: AntiVir Removal Tool
Avira Removal Tool
• cleaning feature: recent updates to help kill the virus:
o Worm / Sober.P
Worm o / Sober.Y
o W32/Stanit.A
o Worm / NetSky.AA
o Worm/NetSky.B.1
o Worm / NetSky.C
o Worm / Netsky.D.Dam
o Worm / NetSky.P
o Worm / NetSky.X
o Worm/Mytob.IN.2
Worm o / Mytob.KS
TR o / Spy.Banker.AATZ
o TR/Spy.Banker.AATZ.1
o TR/Spy.Banker.AATZ.2
o TR/Spy.Banker.AATZ.3
o TR/Drop.Agent.qna.2
o TR/Drop.Agent.qna.1
TR o / Agent.imh
TR o / Agent.its
TR o / PSW.Delf.AH
o TR/PSW.Kates.C.25
o TR / Spy.Delf.tge
• Repair feature: repair virus infected files (except for cases infected with malware)
• Removal Malware: software designed to restrict the activities of malware
• The removal of malware support files: some viruses leave no malicious files in your computer. Thanks to these files which viruses can infect the whole computer. The software can detect and delete virus infected files not from the system.
• Clean the registration code: a number of viruses have the ability to create a separate registration system for carrying or infected viurt free downloads for viruses every time the computer boots. Avira Software Removal Tool can remove the key in the Windows Registry and stores all the default code if registered with the malware code changes.
• Operation is simple: just unpack and double click to launch software
• speed quickly: Software publishing information while scanning files, allowing you to see the status of the computer
• Report: Software creates the log file and the result after completing the scan.
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